Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) are the largest member of the pike family.
They are an apex predator and quickly grow to large sizes.
They can effectively prey on gizzard shad larger than bass can eat. Muskie do a better job controlling small bass numbers than all but the most dedicated anglers; in a large lake of ten acres or more, they better control bass overpopulation than angling ever could. The biggest bass we have ever helped grow, a thirteen-pound largemouth caught from a private lake in northern Georgia, and the biggest weighed bluegill we have helped grow, a two-pound-fourteen-ounce fish from a private pond in middle Tennessee, both came from waters in which we had stocked muskie.
Various state game and fish agencies have successfully stocked muskie to control gizzard shad. In every study we have seen, the average largemouth size in the lake improved, often by several inches. We have dramatically improved the average size of largemouth in ponds and lakes by stocking tiger muskie. If you’re tired of mediocre results from the same old tired methods, let us put some teeth into your management plan.